Yogabasics – Śitali – the refreshing pranayama 🌊🌊🌊

Yogabasics - Śitali - the refreshing pranayama, Atemtherapie innsbruck

That is how :

  • Roll your tongue up into a U-shape and move it between your lips, but not further
  • If this is anatomically impossible for you, just form your lips as if you would drink through a straw 😮
  • inhale and move your head up as if you would drink cool water
  • can you feel the air cooling your tongue? 👅 🐶💦
  • Exhale: either you roll back your tongue to the palate and bring down your chin 》 that will enhance the production of saliva 💦 or you close one nostril and breathe out through the other 》 that will support the calming effect on the mind 🧘🏽‍♀️


》 cools the body and calms the mind 🌊

》 helps with migraines, headaches, sickness 🤯🤢

》 controls thirst and hunger 🍉

》 cools down when angry 😡

》 is THE pranayama during pregnancy 🤰

》 it feels relaxing 💆‍♀️

》 improves the inhalation 👃🏽🧘🏽‍♀️

To explore the effects on body and mind of a specific pranayama, I recommend to practice at least some minutes on a daily basis for at least six weeks 💪

Stay with your experiences & enjoy

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About nathalie andrée

I love exploring yoga, I love being silly, dancing and enjoying nature & culture

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