How MEDITATION changes your stress response, Yoga für Ihr Unternehmen, entspannendes Yoga

How meditation changes your stress response

How meditation changes your stress response „Meditation helps us to understand our mental habits by giving us the opportunity to observe them from a neutral vantage point.(…) It’s like watching a rainstorm from a warm, dry room. The peace we feel when we are watching our minds rather than identifying with our thoughts is the […]

Corpse pose with a chair, Shavasana, variation, Yoga für Ihr Unternehmen, yoga Übungen Büro, yoga zu Hause

Corpse pose variation with a chair 🧘🏾‍♀️

Corpse pose variation with a chair Let go physical and mental tensions soften the features Let go & feel supported Give yourself permission to relax Allow the body to heal itself And improve #immune function listen and listen even more Quiet eyes, quiet mind, quiet heart #space and #connection 🧘🏾‍♀️