Corpse pose with a chair, Shavasana, variation, Yoga für Ihr Unternehmen, yoga Übungen Büro, yoga zu Hause

Corpse pose variation with a chair 🧘🏾‍♀️

Corpse pose variation with a chair Let go physical and mental tensions soften the features Let go & feel supported Give yourself permission to relax Allow the body to heal itself And improve #immune function listen and listen even more Quiet eyes, quiet mind, quiet heart #space and #connection 🧘🏾‍♀️

yoga in innsbruck, freedom, space, time, energy, infinity, yoga

Time⏳ and Space🚀 in Yoga

yoga is about feeling into the spaciousness of time and into the vastness of space and how these experiences will free mind and soul practice consistently …stay, explore… don’t run away from obstacles, take time to overcome them.. become intimate with body and breath, find out about subtle energies and how to influence them Start […]