Yogabasics - Śitali - the refreshing pranayama, Atemtherapie innsbruck

Yogabasics – Śitali – the refreshing pranayama 🌊🌊🌊

That is how : ŚITALI 》 cools the body and calms the mind 🌊 》 helps with migraines, headaches, sickness 🤯🤢 》 controls thirst and hunger 🍉 》 cools down when angry 😡 》 is THE pranayama during pregnancy 🤰 》 it feels relaxing 💆‍♀️ 》 improves the inhalation 👃🏽🧘🏽‍♀️ To explore the effects on […]

Pranayama lernen

Yogabasics: 🌬 Prana

the power behind any type of movement provides energy to the body on different levels 》 the breath and mental energy 》the energy needed for elimination 》 for movement 》 speech 》 digestion Yoga means directing Prana Yoga is energy work, so when I use #yoga #asanas 🤸‍♀️ for #therapeutic purposes 🎯 I do even […]